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Progress Report 2 (11/06/18)

Posted by on Tuesday, November 6, 2018 in Progress Reports.

Previous Goals

This past week, our goals were to schedule and have a phone call with our main point of contact to figure out shipping details for the prosthesis as well as a weekly check-in time. We also aimed to learn background information about our project both broadly and specifically—the larger scope of our project as well as specifics about hardware and software linkage. Lastly, we set out to submit purchase forms for electrodes and create a Gantt chart to organize goals and deadlines.


Work Accomplished

We had a very productive meeting with our project adviser and identified a weekly meeting time where we could discuss progress and identify questions. We confirmed the shipping of the prosthetic with the lab in the hopes that it will arrive within the next week. Our advisor provided product specifications for the prosthetic and its components and also identified some literature that we should review regarding their labs work. As a team we also continued our own literature searches in an attempt to identify useful resources regarding the prosthesis, associated hardware, and algorithm relationships. We created a draft Gantt Chart for approval and manipulation from our advisor. Dr. Amanda Lowery was contacted and access to EMG equipment was discussed with future notification required for use of the undergraduate laboratories.


Work Backlog/What Went Wrong

Continue literature review

  • Find more topic-relevant sources

Make relevant contacts

  • Use of BME lab to conduct EMG data collection
  • Ordering of supplies/budget concerns
  • Method of charging the prosthesis once it is received


Plans for Next Week/How to Accomplish

In the next week, we intend to:

Continue literature review

  • Divide gathered research papers by topic and assign team members respective topic
  • Write brief summary of the paper highlighting the key takeaways and how it relates to the project
  • Perform patent search on adjacent technologies

Present Gantt chart to advisor

  • Determine if three key elements of the project and subdivisions are appropriate tasks and milestones
  • Communicate goals and timelines with advisor for clarity
  • Gain feedback from advisor on feasibility of timeline

Acquire EMG hardware

  • Reach out to appropriate contacts to acquire EMG hardware and experimentation equipment
  • Research what hardware will be required
  • Submit purchase requests

Brainstorm EMG to hand posture interfacing experiments

  • Begin brainstorming setup and method for relating EMG signals to hand postures