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Weekly Meeting 2 (11/07/18)

Posted by on Wednesday, November 7, 2018 in Notebook.

  • Updates
    • Shipping arm tomorrow
  • Literature Review
    • In progress
    • Begin a patent search
    • Goal: to be done by the end of next week
    • Send to Emily
  • Questions
    • Are the myoelectric controllers (myowaer muscle sensor) integrated into the prosthesis, or do we have to buy those along with the electrodes?
      • Not necessarily the same for every device
      • Should look into ottobock specifications
      • May have to order microcontroller
        • Embedded microcontroller in the socket but may not be able to access
    • Do you need a process and make it scalable (does it need to be reproducible), or are we designing it for the specific prosthesis being sent to us?
      • It should be an add-on that can be added to any prosthesis
      • Should be diverse
  • Gantt Chart
    • Once finish literature review, want to start working on EMG
    • Over winter break, will start researching algorithms
    • In February, want to start integrating design
    • Hope to have a working prototype by the beginning of April
  • Action Items
    • Make block diagram – Monday
    • literature review – everyone
      • Patent search – CS
    • Start researching hardware
      • Microcontrollers
    • Find out about the budget – AK
    • Needs Assessment
    • Progress Reports
    • BMEideas proposal
      • Executive Summary — CS
      • Description of the Problem — CS
      • Potential Market — CS
      • Patent Search — CS
      • Objective Statement — AK
      • Standards and Risk Analysis — AK
      • Prototype — RJ
      • Proof that Design is functional — RJ
      • Estimated Manufacturing Cost — KA
      • Reimbursement — KA
      • Anticipated Regulatory pathway — SR
      • Letter of Support
    • By the end of the semester, make a basic prototype (can use cardboard)
  • Deliverables
    • Block Diagram
    • Lit Review
    • Website
    • Letter of Support