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Weekly Meeting 5 (1/14/19)

Posted by on Monday, January 14, 2019 in Weekly Meetings with Sponsor.

  • Hardware
    • Shaan called Ottobock
      • Even on the highest settings, there isn’t enough gain for the arm to contract
      • Everything else seems to be working
      • Will call them back today
    • Advice from Emily
      • May not be enough current to drive it
      • Might be a power issue
      • Try hocking battery supply straight to electrodes
      • Should check with Ottobock what voltage is needed to drive the motor – usually 6
      • There are four channel, two that relate to power (positive and negative), so should try putting 6 V across those
      • Typically, one input is for open and one is for closed
      • If there is voltage across both, picks the one with the higher voltage
      • Check if it is variable speed — the higher voltage, moves more quickly
      • Should start thinking about algorithm while working on the motor
      • Try getting quote from Ottobock for how much it would cost for them to fix it for us
    • Plan B: there is another hand in their lab that we could use that is a hand without a socket
      • Quick disconnect hand
      • Port where it makes electrical connections
      • To interface need:
        • Control post
  • Purchase Orders
    • Should be able to submit this week
    • Ordering:
      • Arduino
      • Teensy
  • EMG
    • Currently seem to be focusing on Feature extraction and pre-processing, but have been done before
      • Have papers on website showing this
    • Should focus more on the novel part of the project
    • Currently planning on mapping step functions, but could be hard with variable speed
    • Should start simple
  • This week
    • Presentation on Wednesday
    • Building prototype
      • Consider how easily donned
      • Better to mount on socket than hand
      • Should consider the effect of clothing — maybe consider wrist watch location
      • Could 3D print enclosure
    • Update Gantt Chart
    • Order parts
    • Begin looking into signal to motor actuation part of the project
    • Looking into EMG to posture mapping
    • Looking into hardware and algorithm design and coupling
  • Questions
    • Can we use open source code?
      • As long as we can document sources, that’s fine
  • Next time
    • Talk more about PID