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Weekly Meeting 11 (3/11/19)

Posted by on Monday, March 11, 2019 in Notebook.

  • Letter of Support
    • We mentioned last semester
    • We will check in with Dr. Walker
  • EMG
    • We have tested everyone and calculated SNR
    • Currently Christian has best SNR
    • Will retest Ally and Rebecca
  • Matlab processing
    • We will do correlations and matlab preprocessing to correlate MAV to hand angle
    • Import equation into arduino code
    • Two bipolar pairs – flexor and extensor
    • Have to determine whether to do differentiator before or after classifier
      • We could have both as inputs
  • Software development
    • Having trouble getting arduino to read algorithm
      • Port isn’t reading correctly and gets stuck in infinite loop
  • PID
    • Working pretty well
    • If-statements to control returning to relaxed state
  • Servo motors
    • Ordered
    • Work with PWM
    • Will work with arduino
    • Need to figure out specifically how they work
    • Have tried to put some signal through with battery, but havent used pulses yet
  • Arm
    • Finally gotten into contact with ottobock
    • Need to send arm in
    • They think there’s a good chance of it being fixed