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Weekly Meetings with Sponsor Category

Weekly Meeting 6 (1/21/19)

Jan. 21, 2019—Hardware Sponsor has gotten product serviced before by Ottobock Forward her any emails from OB and follow up about contacts she’s used for servicing in the past 3D printing job should be done by tomorrow   Algorithm Updates on conversation with Dr. Withrow: Algorithm = EMG differential: only 2 EMGs, but the Myoware does pre-processing...

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Weekly Meeting 5 (1/14/19)

Jan. 14, 2019—Hardware Shaan called Ottobock Even on the highest settings, there isn’t enough gain for the arm to contract Everything else seems to be working Will call them back today Advice from Emily May not be enough current to drive it Might be a power issue Try hocking battery supply straight to electrodes Should check with...

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