Field Experience

I spent 8 weeks during the summer of 2019 volunteering with Primeros Pasos, a non-profit, independent organization in the Western Highlands of Guatemala with a comprehensive outlook on health care. Through this experience I assisted with community education outreach which involved giving short lectures about health and nutrition, hosting cooking classes, and teaching children in their classrooms about hygiene, health, and good nutrition. I also worked with the development team on evaluating programs, applying for grants, planning fundraisers, and developing a new website. As with any non-profit, there is always work to be done, so I also volunteered to work the pharmacy, feed the clinic dogs, participate in strategic planning meetings, and put together gifts for beneficiaries. I will build off of what I learned during my practicum experience at Primeros Pasos throughout my entire public health professional career. I would like to acknowledge Primeros Pasos, my wonderful supervisors Michéle and Camila, and support from the Vanderbilt Institute for Global Health for this invaluable learning experience. 

Check out my blog post on the Primeros Pasos website

Posing in front of the clinic on my last day with two of my supervisors Michele and Camila

Harriett Myers posing in front of the clinic on the last day of the internship with the volunteer coordinator, Michéle, and the development director, Camila

Harriett explaining the anatomy of the ear and why you should avoid using qtips to children in an elementary school

Harriett in an elementary school in Las Majadas, Palajunoj Valley, Quetzaltenango, explaining the anatomy of the ear and why you should avoid using q-tips

Harriett posing with Primeros Pasos staff and board members after 3 days of evaluation and strategic planning for the next 3 years

Harriett posing with Primeros Pasos staff and board members after 3 days of program evaluation, strategic planning, and generating 3 year program frameworks

Working our mobile pharmacy during our last mobile clinic of the summer

Harriett and other Primeros Pasos volunteers in Las Majadas, Palajunoj Valley, Quetzaltenango, working the mobile pharmacy during the last mobile clinic of the summer