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HaydenJananthan500KBGrowing up in South Florida, I moved to Boston, Massachusetts in 2012 to attend MIT. There, I studied mathematics, taking the ‘theoretical’ track’s courses. During my Junior year, I studied at the University of Cambridge as part of MIT’s Cambridge-MIT Exchange Program. There, I took courses in Cambridge’s “Part II”, effectively the last year of Cambridge math(s) students’ undergraduate education. Back at MIT for my senior year, I focused on completing the Scheller Teacher Education Program by completing coursework at MIT and Wellesley and doing a practicum at Brookline High School, teaching Algebra II and Math Lab under supervision by Shoshanna Kostant and Betty Miller. Following this, I graduated with my Bachelor of Science Degree in Mathematics as well as receiving my MA Initial License for Mathematics Grades 08-12.

While at MIT, I worked with Dr Jeremy Kepner to flesh out the theory of associative arrays, maps $latex \mathbf{A}: K_1 \times K_2 \to V$ where $latex V$ is a semiring and $latex \mathbf{A}$ has finite support, as well as applying them to various contexts involving big data and databases. This culminated in our book Mathematics of Big Data: Spreadsheets, Databases, Matrices, and Graphs.

After graduating from MIT, I began his PhD studies in the mathematics department at Vanderbilt University. In 2018, I began working with Professor Stephen Simpson on hyperarithmetical theory and algorithmic randomness in the context of Muchnik degrees. Meanwhile, I continued working with MIT Lincoln Laboratory with Dr Jeremy Kepner to continue the study and application of associative arrays and writing a python implementation of Kepner’s D4M.


PhD Student, Russell G. Hamilton Scholar, Department of Mathematics, Vanderbilt University 2016 — Present.

BS Mathematics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2016. (GPA: 5.0/5.0)

MA Initial License for Mathematics Grades 08-12, Scheller Teacher Education Program, Massachusetts Institute Technology, 2016.


PhD Student in Mathematics at Vanderbilt University, 2016 – Present.

Intern at MIT Lincoln Laboratory Super Computing Center, 2017 – Present.

Research Assistant for Jeremy Kepner, MIT Mathematics Department, 2014 – 2016.


University Graduate Fellowship, Vanderbilt University, 2016 – Present.