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Welcome to Fall 2024 Registration

Posted by on Tuesday, April 9, 2024 in News.

Friends, welcome to Fall 2024 Registration.

Just remember, in the words of a previous Bachelor:


Course registration is a PROCESS and not an event. Follow these steps for a successful course registration:

  • Set two alarms.
  • Be sure to have classes chosen as well as backups.
  • If you are unable to enroll in a course, get on the waitlist if you can and be sure to use the drop-if-enrolled function if you enroll in a class which conflicts with your waitlisted class.
  • Enrollment in upper-level HOD classes is based on seniority. We will make sure that seniors get the courses they need to graduate. Juniors and sophomores will be able to enroll or waitlist these courses as availability permits. Please be flexible and look for multiple classes that will satisfy your requirements.
  • If you are a senior and are unable to enroll or waitlist a course you need, please click here.
  • If you are a junior and are unable to waitlist an HOD course, please click here.
  • Do not email HOD or LPO professors at this time to request to be enrolled in their courses. Faculty are not authorized to enroll students while the registration process is underway.
  • Remember: In the Domain system students take 2 classes in each of the three domains. The degree audit may not accurately reflect this at this time; see this explanation for viewing domains in degree audit.
  • Here is a one-minute breathing exercise if you are stressed.

Need help?

  • Don’t forget to FIRST check Navigating HOD as a key resource.
  • Email and be patient as we work to get back to you.
  • For office hours during registration, we’ve opened our schedules for brief appointments.

Click here to make an appointment with us.


Professor L for the advising team