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Advising Overview

Posted by on Friday, February 16, 2024 in Resources.

The HOD undergraduate program provides the following support to students as they navigate their course of study:

  • Each student is assigned a FACULTY ADVISOR. Your faculty advisor can support you in the “big picture” thinking related to your academic program. See this link for finding your faculty advisor.  You can meet with your advisor throughout your time at Vanderbilt, as they are able. Your academic advisors might help you with:
    • questions about research interests and career paths or possibilities
    • advice about coursework for pursuing your academic interests
    • applying lessons from HOD to other contexts or disciplines
    • acquiring experience talking to professors.
  • HOD also has faculty designated as ADVISING LEADS to offer support to students. Advising leads are available to answer questions by email, through regular Zoom and in-person office hours, and during special events scheduled throughout the year. Advising leads can help with:
    • frequently asked questions regarding the technical aspects of course registration, your degree audit, transfer credit, etc.
    • support for complex registration or course of study situations
    •  additional support and referrals for students who are struggling academically.

When course registration opens in YES, your account will have an ADVISING HOLD listed, which will prevent you from registering. Your advising hold is released by ADVISING LEADS, not your academic advisor. Your hold will be released once you complete your HOD Learning Plan, which helps you think through your progress and map out a plan for course registration.