Max Florsheim created an instructional video as on overview of how to use Google Analytics:
Max Florsheim created an instructional video as on overview of how to use Google Analytics:
Anna Flores created a visual guide for advocates on Medicaid Expansion:
Ali Fisher researched and created an instructional video on how to use the emerging tool of Power BI and understand its increasing importance in the workplace.
Wes Fabrizio wrote a research paper on zoning and land use resources:
May El-Harazy created an infographic on advanced functions of Microsoft Excel:
Claire Egerter created an instructional video on how to create a presentation booklet from scratch through Adobe InDesign and learn how to properly print and bind it into a finished piece:
Summer Dvovak researched and created a guide for reading a leveraged buyout financial model:
In his blog, Matthew Deutch outlines how to succeed in investor presentations and provides ideas for making a pristine PowerPoint, an integral part of the entrepreneurial process.
In a three-part instructional video series, Hannah Davis provides an introduction to inbound marketing and how it can be used in organizations:
In her blog, Anna Lee Curles details how to efficiently analyze complex data in Microsoft Excel and compile it into a single statement using pivot tables, charting, simulations, and other tools, in the hopes she will be better able to project hypotheses at my workplace and/or in my future career.