[03/2020] Our paper “EXPPO: Execution Performance Profiling and Optimization For Co-Simulation-as-a-Service Platform” accepted by ISORC’20.
[03/2020] Our paper “Deep-Edge: An Efficient Framework for Deep Learning Model Update on Heterogeneous Edge” accepted by ICFEC’20.
[03/2020] Our paper “Design and Comparison of Resilient Scheduling Heuristics for Parallel Jobs” accepted by APDCM’20.
[01/2020] Hosting Lucas Perotin (from ENS Lyon, France) for his internship at Vanderbilt from 01/2020 through 06/2020.
[01/2020] Our paper “Reservation and Checkpointing Strategies for Stochastic Jobs” accepted by IPDPS’20.
[01/2020] Our paper “URMILA: Dynamically Trading-Off Fog and Edge Resources for Performance and Mobility-Aware IoT Services” accepted by the Journal of Systems Architecture.
[06/2019] Hosting Loic Jouans (from ENS Lyon, France) for his internship at Vanderbilt from 06/2019 through 08/2019.
[06/2019] Our paper “FECBench: A Holistic Interference-aware Approach for Application Performance Modeling” received Best Paper Award at IC2E’19.
[05/2019] Our paper “Speculative Scheduling for Stochastic HPC Applications” accepted by ICPP’19.
[04/2019] Attending the 9th Joint Lab on Exascale Computing (JLESC) Workshop in Knoxville, TN, USA. (http://icl.utk.edu/jlesc9/)
[04/2019] Our paper “MILP Formulations for Spatio-Temporal Thermal-Aware Scheduling in Cloud and HPC Datacenters” accepted by the Journal of Clustering Computing.
[02/2019] Our paper “On-the-fly scheduling vs. reservation-based scheduling for unpredictable workflows” accepted by the International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications.
[02/2019] Our two papers are accepted by IC2E’19.
[12/2018] Our paper “Reservation Strategies for Stochastic Jobs” accepted by IPDPS’19.
[12/2018] Our paper “Non-clairvoyant Scheduling with Conflicts for Unit-Size Jobs” accepted by Information Processing Letter.
[10/2018] Our paper “Technology Enablers for Big Data, Multi-Stage Analysis in Medical Image Processing” accepted by IEEE BigData’18.
[09/2018] Attending the 9th Workshop on Applications for Multi-Core Architectures (WAMCA) in Lyon, France. (http://www.cri.ensmp.fr/conf/wamca2018/)
[08/2018] Our paper “Coping with Silent and Fail-Stop Errors at Scale by Combining
Replication and Checkpointing” accepted by Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing. -
[07/2018] Hosting Valentin Honore (from INRIA Bordeaux, France) for his internship at Vanderbilt from 07/2018 through 08/2018.
[06/2018] Attending the 13th Scheduling for Large Scale Systems Workshop in Berkeley, CA, USA. (http://scheduling-workshop.tk/)
[05/2018] Attending the 32nd International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS) in Vancouver, BC, Canada. (http://www.ipdps.org/)
[06/2017] Hosting Redouane Elghazi (from ENS Lyon, France) for his internship at Vanderbilt from 06/2017 through 08/2017.
[06/2017] Attending the 7th Workshop on Fault Tolerance for HPC at eXtreme Scale (FTXS) in Washington D.C., USA. (https://sites.google.com/site/ftxsworkshop/home/ftxs-2017)
[05/2017] Attending the 12th Scheduling for Large Scale Systems Workshop in Knoxville, TN, USA. (http://icl.cs.utk.edu/workshops/scheduling2017/)
[05/2017] Elevated to IEEE Senior Member.
[04/2017] Our paper “Multi-Level Checkpointing and Silent Error Detection for Linear Workflows” accepted by Journal of Computational Science.
[02/2017] Our paper “Spatio-Temporal Thermal-Aware Scheduling for Homogeneous High-Performance Computing Datacenters” accepted by Future Generation Computer Systems.
[12/2016] Our paper “Towards Optimal Multi-Level Checkpointing” accepted by IEEE Transactions on Computers.