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February, 2019

February 2019 Humphrey Secretariat Post

Feb. 12, 2019—Hello everyone. My name is Farida Himat Khan and I am from Pakistan. I graduated as a registered nurse from Aga Khan University School of Nursing in 2002 and in 2013, I completed an MPhil degree in Health Sciences Education from Stellenbosch University at Cape Town, South Africa. I have been working as a nurse...

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Eakin Global Education Week 2019 and IEW 2018

Feb. 1, 2019—The Humphrey Fellows at Vanderbilt kicked off Eakin Elementary School’s Global Education Week with two days of Global Games! The students learned international games, words from various languages, and facts from all over the world! Asif Khan (Pakistan, 18-19) believes that “Global games provide them opportunity to celebrate Sports beyond borders, barriers and biases. They...

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