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Eakin Global Education Week 2019 and IEW 2018

Posted by on Friday, February 1, 2019 in News.

Jon Hodgson (South Africa, 18-19) teaching students “Robot” – a South African version of Red light/Green light
Jon Hodgson (South Africa, 18-19) teaching students “Robot” – a South African version of Red light/Green light

The Humphrey Fellows at Vanderbilt kicked off Eakin Elementary School’s Global Education Week with two days of Global Games! The students learned international games, words from various languages, and facts from all over the world! Asif Khan (Pakistan, 18-19) believes that “Global games provide them opportunity to celebrate Sports beyond borders, barriers and biases. They enjoy collective happiness and become better sportspersons, tolerant and respectful!” Enjoying cultural practices of other nations and interacting with people from all over the world is a fundamental attribute of Global Games.

Gerard Ntiranyuhura (Burundi, 18-19) sharing with students about the vast variety of landscape in Burundi
Gerard Ntiranyuhura (Burundi, 18-19) sharing with students about the vast variety of landscape in Burundi

Global Education Week brought Neda Khodaverdi (Iran, 18-19) to resonate with “the importance of tending to children’s background knowledge… since that will be the backbone of their future life.” The Humphrey Fellows seized the opportunity to enlighten the students’ knowledge of the world on “Passport Day.” As each of the K-2nd grade students soared across the globe in their cultural attire, the Fellows and student volunteers shared culturally significant knowledge through pictures, dancing, art, clothes, artifacts, and more! The students ended their travels with passports full of stamps and heads full of newfound knowledge.

Farida (Pakistan, 18-19) teaching 7th graders at Franklin Road Academy about Pakistan
Farida (Pakistan, 18-19) teaching 7th graders at Franklin Road Academy about Pakistan

In celebration of the International Education Week last semester, the Fellows visited Lipscomb University, Vol State, and the entire 7th grade class at Franklin Road Academy! The Fellows spoke with university classes at Lipscomb, set up poster board presentations at Vol State, and talked with students in small groups over lunch at Franklin Road Academy.

Marcela Aguilar (Mexico, 18-19), Asif Khan (Pakistan, 18-19), and Ivana Zacarias (Argentina, 18-19) as guest speakers in a class at Vol State for International Education Week
Marcela Aguilar (Mexico, 18-19), Asif Khan (Pakistan, 18-19), and Ivana Zacarias (Argentina, 18-19) as guest speakers in a class at Vol State for International Education Week

Students of all ages displayed intellectual curiosity as they posed profound questions. The Fellows collectively felt that sharing with others about their home countries was a highlight of their first half of the Fellowship experience. Through various mutual exchange activities, all parties involved – students, teachers, faculty members, and Fellows have inspired each other to take different perspectives, and learn more about diverse cultures and groups. The Humphrey Fellows at Vanderbilt are delighted to share with and learn from the Nashville community!

A Thank You note on the Eakin Passport Day from a 2nd grade teacher.
A Thank You note on the Eakin Passport Day from a 2nd grade teacher.