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April 2019 Humphrey Secretariat Post – Pakistan

Posted by on Tuesday, April 30, 2019 in Humphrey Secretariat.

Asif_132x132Assalam o Alaikum!  I’m Asif Khan from Pakistan! I have been working as Director of education in the Capital city of Islamabad Pakistan. My responsibilities include Overall Administration & Management of 423 Educational Institutions in Islamabad, Implementation of National Educational Policy, Programs and Plans by the Federal Government and International cooperation with Development partners.

Pakistan is home to 200 Million People speaking more than 50 Languages and coming from a range of diverse ethnicities and subcultures yet they are Pakistani and take pride in being so!Arts and crafts

Urdu is the National language whereas, English is the official language for state business. Apart from it, there are more than 50 Regional languages spoken in the area of Eight Hundred thousand square kilometers bordering with India, China, Afghanistan and Iran. Pakistan is the country of 200 Million People of which 65% is Youth which makes it a rich Human resource country. If tapped well this resource can turn around the economy of the country in decades. Gifted with five rivers, four seasons, rich flora and fauna, diverse cultural and human heritage, Pakistan is a land of opportunities.

The region is home to the ancient civilizations of Indus and Gandhara valley civilizations (3000-5000 years old) which still depict their epic glory in the ancient ruins of Harappa, Taxila and Mohenjo-Daro, World Heritage sites!


Region also remained under the influence of invaders from Greek like Alexander the great, Arabs, Europeans like British East India Company, Afghan warriors and central Asians for centuries historically till independence in 1947 as a result of partition in the subcontinent.

The Country is a young democracy, thriving and shaping up into a modern progressive welfare state after the recent political change. There are Three Tiers of Government (Federal, Provincial and District) level that work in accordance with the Constitution of Pakistan 1973 (Federalism). Legislature consists of Senate and National Assembly. Though historically we remained a weak democracy (Military take overs) due to several reasons, mainly two political parties ruled the country before recent change against status quo and a new popular vote government having majority support from youth, women and educated middle class who believed in change. The current government has a vision for human development and transparent governance through rule of law.pakistan