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2019 Year-End Retreat to the Smokey Mountains and Dollywood

Apr. 11, 2019—It’s that time of the year again – Vanderbilt’s tenth cohort of Hubert H. Humphrey Fellows traveled recently to the Great Smoky Mountains for year-end reflections. The weekend retreat offered opportunities to explore the history and culture of East Tennessee, as well as explore the meaning of the many experience and memories gained during the Fellowship year....

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Eakin Global Education Week 2019 and IEW 2018

Feb. 1, 2019—The Humphrey Fellows at Vanderbilt kicked off Eakin Elementary School’s Global Education Week with two days of Global Games! The students learned international games, words from various languages, and facts from all over the world! Asif Khan (Pakistan, 18-19) believes that “Global games provide them opportunity to celebrate Sports beyond borders, barriers and biases. They...

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Arrival of 2018-2019 Vanderbilt Humphrey Fellows

Sep. 14, 2018—What a happy decennial it is to the Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship Program hosted at Vanderbilt University since 2009! We gladly welcome our new cohort of 11 fellows representing 10 countries from near, far, and farther – Argentina, Burundi, Chile, Iran, Mexico, Pakistan, Palestine, Saudi Arabia, Slovakia, and South Africa. The Humphrey Fellowship Program, sponsored...

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