What We Do


Vanderbilt’s School-based clinicians provide evidence-based mental health services to students in the school setting. The program serves children, adolescents, and families dealing with a wide range of emotional and behavioral challenges. We partner with 37 community schools to serve about 900 students each year.

Offering mental health services in the school setting provides increased access to care for students, their families and school staff. Access to care can impact many areas of a child’s life including emotional, behavioral and academic functioning.

who are we

What We Offer


    Educational Services

                                              Consultation to school staff

    Clinical training of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry fellows

Psychiatric nurse practitioners

Psychology interns

Social work interns

The Vanderbilt School-based counseling program uses evidence-based interventions to help children and families who experience emotional and behavioral challenges.

Who We Serve


Children and families who are TennCare eligible.

Students of elementary and middle schools across Metro Nashville Public Schools.





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