IR CT Scanner Week 4

Week 4 Update:

Hunter Spivey and Aayush Gupta


This week unfortunately didn’t see as much progress as we would have liked, because we discovered that in order to begin interfacing our arduino output with matlab, we would need to download a newer version of matlab as the version we were using was too old. This took the majority of class time on tuesday, and with the mechanical portion of our scanner done, this limited the progress we could make. Thursday was more productive, and I managed to finish the arduino code to output the data in a way that could be easily received, delineated, and stored by matlab. I also began our matlab code that actually received and organized this data. Next week we plan to begin the reconstruction code and try to construct the first image of our phantom. If this goes well, we may be able to try and tweak our system to improve the imaging process.

Arduino Code:

Arduino code week 4

Matlab Code:

Week 4 matlab code #1

week 4 matlab code #2


    • Why is the fan2para() function needed


  • Our imaging configuration is a fan beam configuration and thus the data we read in needs to be converted to parallel coordinates before we can use iradon() to reconstruct the projections into images.


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