Week 7: Ultrasound Scanner

Week 7 Blog Post: Ultrasound Scanner

Hunter Spivey and Aayush Gupta


This week we continued working on our T/R switch, and began by calculating our element values necessary for the capacitors and inductor on the T/R switch. After calculating these values, we began soldering the elements on, which was tedious work that took us most of the time we had available. We finished soldering on our elements, but unfortunately had soldered the inductor on upside down, and had to remove and resolder it. Finally we tested our T/R switch using the continuity function of the multimeter, and began setting up our antenna analyzer to test it further. We were able to successfully start and calibrate the antenna analyzer before we ran out of time.

Next we plan on finishing our antenna analyzer tests and moving on the the GNU radio.

T/R switch:


Question: What is the role of the quarter-wave line?

Answer: It changes impedance to allow the path to the RX line to be either a short or open circuit


Question: What values do you get for L and C?

Answer: We get 1.59 microHenris and 636 picoFarads

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