Ultrasound Scanner: Week 3 Blog Post

Myron Mageswaran, Alex Boyd, and Maggie Ford


During week 3 for this lab, we first tinkered with the GNURadio software in order to create the desired input into the switch using the radio shown in Figure 1.  This task took longer than expected, but we were able to set up an input signal that was pulsed for one microsecond using the schematic shown in Figure 2.

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Figure 1:  the software defined radio that is interfaced with the Linux virtual machine

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Figure 2: block diagram schematic

After programming the Arduino, we were ready to take our first scan and took out our cast out of the mold and filled our bin with water only to realize that we only had three minutes remaining in class, (and unsuspectingly the rest of the semester) so we did not have time to take any actual readings.

Question: What is the purpose of the quarter wave line?                                                  The quarter wave line is able to change impedance creating either an open or closed circuit to Rx, which creates the switching effect.

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