Infrared CT Update 3: January 28, 2020

Morgan Kinney, Tanner Hoppman, Jude Franklin

This week we were able to connect the motors to our Arduino circuit. We spent our time programming both the stepper motor and servo arm to work in tandem. This was particularly tricky because we had to refine their range of motion, but we had issues with getting their code to work without interfering with each other. When adding the stepper motor, the normally functioning servo started malfunctioning. We concluded this week with fully functioning code for all the mechanical components as seen in the video under Element 1 and the image of the Arduino code in Element 2. The next step will be to code the matlab programming for the imaging of the scanner itself.

Element 1: Video of functioning servo arm and stepper motor


Element 2: Image of Arduino code to program the moving parts


Question: Why is the fan2para() function needed?

Answer: The projection data obtained from our IR CT device is fan-beam projection data, and the matlab program is set up to reconstruct parallel beam projections. Thus, fan2para is needed to convert our data from fan-beam to parallel beam in order to be reconstructed into the final images.

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