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Current Progress

Progress Reports


Original Goals:

  • Modify thresholds for alarms
  • Make somewhat discontinuous
  • Finish literature review
  • Meet with advisor (Joe Schlesinger)
  • Understand ICU environment

Accomplishing The Goals:

  • Met with Joe
  • Saw ICU
  • Read the papers Joe sent us
  • Reviewed last year’s work
  • DIVE team collaboration
  • Reached out to haptics expert to learn more about current work

Fixing Issues And Completing Unfinished Tasks:

  • Continue reading literature to gain a better understanding of the problem
  • Fix the issues of collaborating with the DIVE team, we are going to meet with them this week and discuss expectations/make a plan

New And Continuous Goals:

  • Consolidating information and methods of communication
  • Continue literature review
  • Continue meeting with advisor and DIVE team
  • Follow up with IP issues
  • Review current device MATLAB code



Previous Goals:

  • Meet with advisor and DIVE team to consolidate information and delegate tasks
  • Continue literature review
  • Follow up with IP issues
  • Figure out the next steps

Accomplishing Those Goals:

  • Met with Joe and the DIVE team
    • Explained the project to them
    • Gave them tasks to complete by the end of the semester
  • Emailed McGill to keep in contact about IP
  • Determined a new set of goals to accomplish by the end of November

Fixing Issues And Completing Unfinished Tasks:

  • Need to keep working on the IP issues with McGill so that we can talk with Antoine about haptics
  • Determine where we would like the thresholds to be and how the sounds should change at those points

New And Continuous Goals:

All of these should be accomplished by the end of November:

  • Play around with Ableton, a sound design software
  • Receive and download the 2 MATLAB scripts
  • Play on Maple Lab site, a website that details different types of sound
  • Talk to Antoine about haptics
  • Create the first iteration of sounds 



Previous goals:

  • Update rest of team on DIVE team meeting
  • Download Ableton
  • Familiarize with MATLAB scripts
  • Talk to Antoine about Haptics

Accomplishing Those Goals:

  • Met with team
  • Downloaded Ableton
  • Looked over MATLAB scripts
  • Continued emailing with Antoine
  • Followed up on IP Requirements

Fixing Issues and Unfinished Tasks:

  • Keeping in touch about IP issues with McGill so that we can talk with Antoine about haptics
  • Brainstorming ideas on thresholds

New and Continuous Goals:

Goals for next meeting:

  • Familiarize ourselves with Ableton
  • Establish what we want in the oral report
  • Delegate tasks- who’s saying what in the oral report, who’s working on sounds

Goals for Thanksgiving break:

  • Individually brainstorm ideas for sounds/haptics thresholds
  • Create sounds we want to present at the oral report

Goals for post Thanksgiving break:

  • Discuss ideas for thresholds
  • Decide on final sounds



Previous goals:

  • Download Ableton and learn how to work and create sounds
  • Familiarize with MATLAB script

Accomplishing Those Goals:

  • Familiarized with Ableton and generated possible alarm noises
  • Established sound distinctions and discussed discontinuous vs. continuous alarms
  • Delegated roles for oral report and sound creation

Fixing Issues and Unfinished Tasks:

  • Keeping in touch about IP issues with McGill
  • Brainstorming ideas on thresholds

New and Continuous Goals:

Goals for Thanksgiving break:

  • Individually brainstorm ideas for sounds/haptics thresholds
  • Create sounds we want to present at the oral report

Goals for post Thanksgiving break Meeting:

  • Discuss ideas for thresholds
  • Decide on final sounds
  • Rehearse oral presentation



Previous goals:

  • Create second iteration of soundscape (the first being that which was created by last year’s group that worked on this project)
  • Define plan for thresholds between various regions in pre-alarm space

Accomplishing Those Goals:

  • Generated second iteration of soundscape
  • Created general overview of thresholds within pre-alarm space and how haptics/sounds might fit into it

Fixing Issues and Unfinished Tasks:

  • Still having issues with communicating with McGill representatives in regards to IP Paperwork

New and Continuous Goals:

  • Determine specific use of haptic actuators
  • Determine what efficacy studies will look like
  • Get McGill IP Paperwork sorted out so that we can collaborate with Dr. Schlesinger’s colleagues



Previous goals:

  • Determine specific use of haptic actuators
  • Determine what efficacy studies will look like
  • Get McGill IP Paperwork sorted out so that we can collaborate with Dr. Schlesinger’s colleagues

Accomplishing Those Goals:

  • Skyped with Antoine Weill-Duflos (Haptics Expert at McGill University) after getting IP Paperwork finished
    • Suggested the use of continuous, low frequency haptic signals for multi-sensory tactile stimulus
    • Suggested using ore than one haptic actuator on different extremities of the body to communicate information
  • Discussed preliminary ideas for studying efficacy of various schemas for studying combination of auditory soundscape and haptic stimulus

Fixing Issues and Unfinished Tasks:

  • Still discussing how to incorporate haptics into the multi-sensory signaling schema
    • Continuous vs. discrete signaling?

New and Continuous Goals:

  • Create a third iteration of the soundscape
  • Plan for the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society’s (HFES) annual conference in March in Chicago
  • Determine high-level overview of efficacy study details
  • Begin working with bone conduction headset and haptic actuators to understand how they interface with the MATLAB code from last year’s group
  • Have all group members complete ethics training and added to the IRB through Vanderbilt’s portal



Previous goals:

  • Create a third iteration of the soundscape
  • Plan for HFES Conference
  • High-Level study planning
  • Bone conduction/haptics evaluation and implementation planning
  • IRB Training

Accomplishing Those Goals:

  • Created a third iteration of the soundscape and began working on sound “blocks” for use in Phase 1 of the efficacy study
  • Began incorporation of the bone conduction headset and haptics through MATLAB
  • Finished IRB Training and all team members are now listed as Key Study Personnel

Fixing Issues and Unfinished Tasks:

  • Working on amendment to IRB and finalizing participant consent forms
  • Still undergoing planning for HFES Conference
  • Basslets appear to no longer be sold by Lofelt

New and Continuous Goals:

  • Finish the MATLAB Test Script for Phase 1 of the efficacy study
  • Make progress on MATLAB test scripts for Phases 2 and 3
  • Finalize pre- and post-surveys for Phase 1
  • Participant recruitment for proposed Phase 1 start date of 02/18/2019



Previous goals:

  • Finish the MATLAB Test Script for Phase 1 of the efficacy study
  • Make progress on MATLAB test scripts for Phases 2 and 3
  • Finalize pre- and post-surveys for Phase 1
  • Participant recruitment for proposed Phase 1 start date of 02/18/2019

Accomplishing Those Goals:

  • Finished recruiting participants and began Phase I study sessions on 02/17
  • Finished the MATLAB Test Script and GUI for Phase I
  • Finished pre- and post-surveys
  • Contacted Lofelt directly and purchased 2 Basslets for use in Phases II and III

Fixing Issues and Unfinished Tasks:

  • MATLAB sometimes has to be reset between participant test sessions due to connection issues between laptops
  •  Unsure exactly how to analyze our data set since the order in which participants are tested could impact their score

New and Continuous Goals:

  • Finish Phase I sessions by end of week
  • Start Phase II sessions on 02/24 and finish by 03/02
  • Start Phase III sessions on 03/11 and finish by 03/17
  • Determine data analysis methods
  • Create scoring metric to compare participants



Previous goals:

  • Finish Phase I sessions by end of week
  • Start Phase II sessions on 02/24 and finish by 03/02
  • Start Phase III sessions on 03/11 and finish by 03/17
  • Determine data analysis methods
  • Create scoring metric to compare participants

Accomplishing Those Goals:

  • Finished Phase I (on 02/22) and Phase II (on 03/02)
  • Began analyzing data from Phases I and II using help from Dr. Brett Byram
  • Created scoring schema – used baseball analogy (see Poster) to score individual actions
  • Currently running Phase III sessions this week

Fixing Issues and Unfinished Tasks:

  • Still working on developing linear regression model for analyzing data
  • Still running Phase III sessions

New and Continuous Goals:

  • Write manuscript draft for publication with Dr. Schlesinger
  • Finish data analysis
  • Finish Phase III sessions



Previous goals:

  • Write manuscript draft for publication with Dr. Schlesinger
  • Finish data analysis
  • Finish Phase III sessions

Accomplishing Those Goals:

  • Sent first draft to Dr. Schlesinger and received comments back to edit
  • General methodology for data analysis now well understood, but need to finish code in order to make and assess model for each phase
  • Finished Phase III sessions on 03/16

Fixing Issues and Unfinished Tasks:

  • Dynamics of linear regression model have been difficult to understand/statistically assess due to complexity of model – Still need to finish coding it

New and Continuous Goals:

  • Prepare second draft of manuscript
  • Finish coding for data analysis
  • Come up with demo for Design Day
  • Begin working on Design Day Poster
  • Prepare draft of VentureWell DEBUT grant proposal



Previous goals:

  • Prepare second draft of manuscript
  • Finish coding for data analysis
  • Come up with demo for Design Day
  • Begin working on Design Day Poster
  • Prepare draft of VentureWell DEBUT grant proposal

Accomplishing Those Goals:

  • Finished data analysis (see Poster for details)
  • Claire went to the training area for med students to get videos of vital signs changing on patient monitor for use in the Design Day demo
  • Created first draft of Design Day Poster and received comments from Dr. Walker
  • Finished and turned in VentrueWell DEBUT grant proposal

Fixing Issues and Unfinished Tasks:

  • Still need to finish editing the second draft of the manuscript
  • Having issues getting MATLAB to automatically play the videos used in the demo

New and Continuous Goals:

  • Create final version of Poster
  • Finish Design Day demo
  • Finish editing manuscript draft



Previous goals:

  • Create final version of Poster
  • Finish Design Day demo
  • Finish editing manuscript draft

Accomplishing Those Goals:

  • Finished Design Day poster
  • (Almost) fully functioning demo for Design Day – need to finish GUI

Fixing Issues and Unfinished Tasks:

  • Manuscript draft editing was pushed back until next week (week of 04/21) due to other work needed for Design Day

New and Continuous Goals:

  • Finish manuscript draft edits
  • Put finishing touches on demo components
  • Present at Design Day!