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Progress Report #1 (11/1)


  1. Be able to accurately track the gaze of middle school children using two cameras.
  2. Develop software to run the eye tracking system.
  3. Include a method of calibrating the eye tracking system.
  4. Design a child-friendly case to enclose the system and keep it relatively hidden from view as to not intimidate the subjects.


Two Google AIY kits have been put together and tested using a connection to a phone as well as a connection to a keyboard, mouse, and monitor. The screen allowed us to view exactly what the AIY camera is viewing and see important data on what the camera is “tracking”.


The Google AIY kits come prebuilt with a smile detection feature which was successfully tested. In addition, we were able to have the kit identify at least 4 faces at a time using a program called pygaze.

To be done:

We are exploring using convolutional neural nets to develop an effective method of tracking gaze. The current plan is to use infrared light as a metric to analyze and track the eye movements. In order to complete this, we will have to buy 2 infrared lights and a infrared sensor. A future plan is to have one camera move to follow the face, so motors and a focusing lens are currently being sought out.