Rights, J.D., & Sterba, S.K. (in press). New recommendations on the use of R-squared differences in multilevel model comparisons. Multivariate Behavioral Research. (manucript pdf) (supplemental appendix pdf)
Cole, D.A., Lu, R., Rights, J.D., Mick, C.R., Lubarsky, S.R., Gabruk, M.E., Lovette, A.J., Zhang, Y., Ford, M.A., Nick, E.A. (2020). Emotional and cognitive reactivity: Validating a multilevel modeling approach to daily diary data. Psychological Assessment, 32, 431-441.
Cole, D.A., Lu, R., Rights, J.D., Braehmer, S.F., Lubarsky, S.R., Mick, C.R., Zhang, Y., Ford, M.A., Lovette, A.J., Gabruk, M.E., Nick, E.A. (2020). Dynamic measures of emotional and cognitive reactivity in college students. Psychological Assessment, 30, 109-122.
Rights, J.D., & Sterba, S.K. (2019). Quantifying explained variance in multilevel models: An integrative framework for defining R-squared measures. Psychological Methods, 24, 309-338. (manuscript pdf) (supplemental appendix pdf)
Cole, D.A., Zelkowitz, R.L., Nick, E.A., Lubarsky, S.R., & Rights, J.D. (2019). Simultaneously examining negative appraisals, emotion reactivity, and cognitive reactivity in relation to depressive symptoms in children. Development and Psychopathology, 31, 1527-1540.
Rights, J.D., Sterba, S.K., Cho, S.-J., & Preacher, K.J. (2018). Addressing model uncertainty in item response theory person scores through model averaging. Behaviormetrika. doi:10.1007/s41237-18-0052-1 (manuscript pdf)
Rights, J.D., & Cole, D.A. (2018). Effect size measures for multilevel models in clinical child and adolescent research: New R-squared methods and recommendations. Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology.
Murphy, L.K., Preacher, K.J., Rights, J.D., Rodriguez, E., Bemis, H., Desjardins, L., Prussien, K.V., Gerhardt, C.A., Vannatta, K., & Compas, B.E. (2018). Maternal communication in childhood cancer: Factor analysis and relation to maternal distress. Journal of Pediatric Psychology. doi:10.1093/jpepsy/jsy054
Cole, D.A., Goodman, S, Garber, J., Cullum, K.A., Cho, S.-J., Rights, J.D., Felton, J.W., Jacquez, F.M., Korelitz, K.E., & Simon, H.F.M. (2018). Validating parent and child forms of the Parent Perception Inventory. Psychological Assessment. doi:10.1037/pas0000552
Rights, J.D., & Sterba, S.K. (2017). A framework of R-squared measures for single-level and multilevel regression mixture models. Psychological Methods. doi:10.1037/met0000139 (manuscript pdf) (supplemental appendix pdf)
Cole, D.A., Martin, J.M., Jacquez, F.M., Tram, J.M., Zelkowitz, R., Nick, E.A., & Rights, J.D. (2017). Time-varying and time-invariant dimensions of depression in children and adolescents: Implications for cross-informant agreement. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 126, 635-651.
Sterba, S.K., & Rights, J.D. (2017). Effects of parceling on model selection: Parcel-allocation variability in model ranking. Psychological Methods, 22, 47-68.
Rights, J.D., & Sterba, S.K. (2016). The relationship between multilevel models and nonparametric multilevel mixture models: Discrete approximation of intraclass correlation, random coefficient distributions, and residual heteroscedasticity. British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology, 69, 316-343. (manuscript pdf)(supplemental appendix pdf)
Sterba, S.K., & Rights, J.D. (2016). Accounting for parcel-allocation variability in practice: Combining sources of uncertainty and choosing the number of allocations. Multivariate Behavioral Research, 51, 296-313.
Sterba, S.K., & Rights, J.D. (October, 2018). New recommendations on the use of R-squared differences in multilevel model comparisons. Society of Multivariate Experimental Psychology Conference, Albuquerque, NM.
Preacher, K.J., & Rights, J.D. (October, 2018). Residual covariance structures for latent growth curve models in the context of individually varying measurement occasions. Society of Multivariate Experimental Psychology Conference, Albuquerque, NM.
Sterba, S.K. & Rights, J.D. (August, 2018). Relating measures of explained variance for multilevel models and mixture models. In D. Bandalos (Chair) Division 5 Awards Symposium. American Psychological Association Convention (Division 5), San Francisco, CA.
Rights, J.D., & Sterba, S.K. (July, 2018). Quantifying explained variance in multilevel models: An integrative framework of R-squared measures. International Meeting of the Psychometric Society, New York City, NY.
Murphy, L., Rodriguez, E., Bemis, H. Desjardins, L., Rights, J.D., Gerhardt, C., Vannatta, K., Preacher, K., Compas, B. (April, 2018). Maternal communication after pediatric cancer diagnosis: Factor analysis and relation to maternal distress. Society of Pediatric Psychology Annual Convention, Orlando, FL.
Rights, J.D., & Sterba, S.K. (May, 2017). A framework of R-squared measures for single-level and multilevel regression mixture models. Modern Modeling Methods Conference, Storrs, CT.
Rights, J.D., & Sterba, S.K. (August, 2016). The relationship between multilevel models and nonparametric multilevel mixture models. In Advances in Mixture Modeling symposium with D. Steinley, J. Harring & K. Grimm. American Psychological Association, Denver, CO.
Sterba, S.K. & Rights, J.D. (August, 2016). Challenges and opportunities in psychological applications of mixture models. American Psychological Association Convention (Division 5), Denver, CO.
Rights, J.D., & Sterba, S.K. (July, 2016). Approximating level-1 and level-2 heteroscedasticity with nonparametric multilevel mixture models. International Meeting of the Psychometric Society, Asheville, NC.
Sterba, S.K., & Rights, J.D. (November, 2015, Invited). Quantifying hidden costs of parceling in latent variable modeling. University of Notre Dame, Psychology Department Colloquia.
Sterba, S.K., & Rights, J.D. (October, 2015). Effects of parceling on model selection: Parcel-allocation variability in model ranking. Society of Multivariate Experimental Psychology Conference, Redondo Beach, CA.
Rights, J.D., & Sterba, S.K. (October, 2018). Quantifying explained variance in multilevel models: An integrative framework for defining R-squared measures. Society of Multivariate Experimental Psychology Conference, Albuquerque, NM.
Murphy, L., Rodriguez, E., Bemis, H. Desjardins, L., Rights, J.D., Gerhardt, C., Vannatta, K., Preacher, K., Compas, B. (April, 2018). Maternal communication after pediatric cancer diagnosis: Factor analysis and relation to maternal distress. Society of Pediatric Psychology Annual Convention, Orlando, FL.
Rights, J.D., & Sterba, S.K. (July, 2016). Algorithm for choosing the number of random item-to-parcel allocations in SEM. International Meeting of the Psychometric Society. Asheville, NC.
Seaman, K. L., Forman-Alberti, A. B., Rights, J. D., Howard D. V., & Howard J. H. (2013, April). Age-related differences in the effect of statistical structure on learning in a sequentially–cued prediction task. Cognitive Neuroscience Society annual meeting. San Francisco, CA.
Rights, J. D., & Prinstein, M. J. (April , 2011). Depression among best friends: An examination of depression socialization and friendship quality. University of North Carolina Psychology Departmental Honors Poster Session. Chapel Hill, NC.
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