
The following is a list of the publications from the Environmental Flow & Transport Group. Authors in bold are members or our group and underlined text highlights student authors:


  • Gomez-Velez, J.D., J. W. Wilson, M.B. Cardenas, and J.W. Harvey (2017), Flow and Residence Times of Dynamic River Bank Storage and Sinuosity-Driven Hyporheic Exchange, Water Resources Research, doi: 10.1002/2017WR021362.
  • Marruedo Arricibita, A. I., J. Lewandowski, S. Krause, J. D. Gomez-Velez, and D. M. Hannah (2017), Mesocosm experiments identifying hotspots of groundwater upwelling in a water column by fiber optic distributed temperature sensing, Hydrological Processes. doi: 10.1002/hyp.11403.
  • Gomez-Velez, J.D., J.W. Harvey, M.B. Cardenas, and B. Kiel (2015), Denitrification in the Mississippi River network controlled by flow through river bedforms, Nature Geoscience, doi: 10.1038/NGEO2567.
  • Sherson, L. R., D. J. Van Horn,  J. D. Gomez-Velez, L. J. Crossey, and C. N. Dahm (2015), Nutrient dynamics in an alpine headwater stream: use of continuous water quality sensors to examine responses to wildfire and precipitation events, Hydrological Processes, doi: 10.1002/hyp.10426.
  • Gomez-Velez, J. D. and J. W. Harvey (2014), A hydrogeomorphic river network model predicts where and why hyporheic exchange is important in large basins, Geophysical Research Letters, 41, doi: 10.1002/2014GL061099.
  • Gomez-Velez, J. D., S. Krause, and J. L. Wilson (2014), Effect of low-permeability layers on spatial patterns of hyporheic exchange and groundwater upwelling, Water Resources Research, 50, doi: 10.1002/2013WR015054.
  • Frisbee, M. D., J. L. Wilson,  J. D. Gomez-Velez, F. M. Phillips, and A. R. Campbell (2013), Are we missing the tail (and the tale) of residence time distributions in watersheds?, Geophysical Research Letters, 40, doi: 10.1002/grl.50895.
  • Gomez, J. D. and J. L. Wilson (2013), Age distributions and dynamically changing hydrologic systems: exploring topography-driven regional groundwater flow, Water Resources Research, 49, doi: 10.1002/wrcr.20127.
  • Gomez, J. D., J. L. Wilson, and M. B. Cardenas (2012), Residence time distributions in sinuosity-driven hyporheic zones and their biogeochemical effects, Water Resources Research, 48, W09533, doi: 10.1029/ 2012WR012180.
  • Kleissl, J., O. K. Hartogensis,  J. D. Gomez (2010), Test of scintillometer saturation correction methods using field experimental data, Boundary Layer Meteorology, 137, 493-507, doi: 10.1007/s10546-010-9540-x.
  • Kleissl, J.,  J. D. Gomez, S. -H. Hong, K. Fleming, J. M. H. Hendrickx, and T. Rahn (2008), Large aperture scintillometer intercomparison study, Boundary Layer Meteorology, 128, 133-50, doi: 10.1007/s10546-008-9274-1.
  • Gomez J. D. and G. Poveda (2008), Estimation of the multifractal spectrum for hourly rainfall time series in the tropical andes of Colombia (In spanish), Revista de la Academia Colombiana de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales, 32 (125): 483-502, 2008. ISSN 0370-3908.
  • Hendrickx, J. M. H., J. Kleissl,  J. D. Gomez, S. -H. Hong, J. R. F´abrega, D. Vega, H. A. Moreno, and F. L. Ogden (2007), Scintillometer networks for calibration and validation of energy balance and soil moisture remote sensing algorithms, Proc. International Society for Optical Engineering, SPIE. 6565.
  • Correa, P., J. I. Vélez, R. Smith, A. Vélez, A. Barrientos,  J. D. Gomez (2006), A methodology to balance water and sediments in the Bajo Sinu wetland (In Spanish), Avances en Recursos Hidráulicos, 14.

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