Von Neumann algebras, Vanderbilt 2015
Course on von Neumann algebras, Vanderbilt 2015
Von Neumann algebras, lite.
- Current version of notes.
- Cstar notes for lectures beginning Wed sept 23.
- Cstar chaper 1.
- Cstar chaper 2.
- Cstar chaper 3.
- Cstar chaper 4.
- Cstar chaper 5.
- Cstar chaper 6.
- Cstar chaper 7.
- Cstar chaper 8.
- Cstar chaper 9.
Homework number 1. Due Monday 7 September
- Exercises 2.1.1, 2.1.7,2.1.11,2.1.13,2.2.2,2.2.4,2.3.1,2.4.1
- Homework number 2. Due Wednesday 23 September
- Exercises 3.4.1,3.4.3,3.4.6,4.3.3,4.4.3Homework number 3. Due Wednesday 7 October
- In the proof of the Kaplansky density theorem we were able to suppose that our *-subalgebra of B(H) was a C*-algebra. Explain why.
- Show that the Powers state \phi_0 gives an irreducible representation of the 2^\infty UHF algebra.
- Find a pure state of the irrational rotation C^*-algebra.
- Exercises 5.1.2,6.1.9,4.3.1.
- Homework number 4. Due Wednesday 21 October.
- Prove or disprove: In a II_1 factor there is a self adjoint operator whose spectrum conists of zero and {1/n| n is a positive integer}.
- Prove or disprove: A II_1 factor contains no compact operators other than 0.
- Do exercises 7.3.1-7.3.10
- Homework number 5. Due Wednesday 18 November.
- 1) Show that a II_1 factor is algebraically simple. (Try hard to do it first then if you can’t, consult the notes.)
- 2) Let N a II_1 factor and G be a finite group acting outerly on N. Let M be the crossed product of N by G. SHow that any *-subalgebra of M containing N is the crossed produc to N by a subgroup of G. Deduce that any subalgebra of N containing the fixed point algebra N^G is of the form N^H for a subgroup of G.
- 3)Do exercise 11.3.4 11.3.5 11.3.6
- 4)Do exercise 11.3.2