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  • Teaching Assistant (Spring, 2019)
    • EHLP 8810- Logic of Inquiry. Doctoral Level.
    • A introductory course on research design and methods for Education Doctorate Degree students. Responsibilities included leading the instruction for the statistics lab.
  • Instructor (Fall,2018)
    • HOD 2700- Public Policy. Bachelor’s Level
    • Rated 4.67/5 on effectiveness
    • This course is as an exploration of the foundations of public policy, the policy process and the factors that influence policymaking at the national, state, and local levels. The course provides an in depth understanding of the core concepts in public policymaking. For this reason the course is structure around the steps of the policymaking process. This approach is analytically useful but has several notable flaws that we will explore. The second goal is to equip students with the tools to consume information about public policy (e.g., news, research) in scholarly manner.
  • Teaching Assistant (Fall, 2017)
    • HOD 3025- Education Policy Analysis. Bachelor’s Level
    • Rated 5/5 on effectiveness
  • Teaching Assistant (Fall, 2016)
    • HOD 2700- Public Policy. Bachelor’s Level
    • Rated 4.3/5 on effectiveness