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Progress Report (1/24)

Posted by on Thursday, January 24, 2019 in News.

January 24, 2019

We are excited to hit the ground running with our project this semester. To date, our team has completed several important steps. We have done background research to better understand HIV, CRISPR gene editing, and methods for evaluating the efficacy of CRISPR. We held a meeting with our sponsor, Wyatt, to learn about prior work related to this project. In this meeting, we also identified a key project deliverable: demonstrating 30 – 70% efficiency in transfected T cells.

All team members are up-to-date with the Biosafety training necessary to work in the lab. We have been oriented to the lab space, and met other researchers and technicians who work in the lab. The reagents we will need for our project have been arriving over the past few weeks. We have begun preparing a schedule which accounts for key tasks and project milestones.

Our current Gantt chart is shown below:

Senior Design Gantt Chart

We will soon be meeting with our sponsor again to refine our work schedule, so that we can set detailed goals and make successful headway toward Design Day. We will then begin learning key protocols and techniques in the lab.