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Progress Report 4 (4/3)

Posted by on Wednesday, April 3, 2019 in News.

This week, we met with Dr. Houghton to discuss fabrication options for our prototype. Some of these options include purchasing a 1/8″ thick lead film to coat our ABS plastic model and molding and casting a lead-bismuth alloy with a silicon mold. Additionally, we received another quote to machine our device body from Guanxi Chentian Metal Product Co., LTD for $258 using a tungsten alloy. After discussing these different options, we came to a consensus that the best option will be molding and casting the bismuth alloy.

We also placed a purchase order for the mold making Silicone rubber and 10 units of the lead-bismuth alloy ingot. Our goal is to fabricate our prototype and begin testing by next week.