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Progress Report 4/5

Apr. 5, 2019—In the last week, the team has made progress on all aspects of the project.  We have been working on the front end design code and having issues with running the code on an app and Android emulator.  Since this is our first time coding an application we are reaching out to many different sources...

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progress update 3/22

Mar. 22, 2019—We have been working on the Front End Design in BuilderX using ReactNative. You can see our progress below. Challenges have been faced with BuilderX crashing on us and learning to use the program and how React-Native works since we made the switch from Microsoft Visual Studio. We hope to finish this front end code...

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Progress Report 3/1

Mar. 1, 2019—This past Saturday we finally had the chance to visit an IPF patient. The visit opened our eyes to the real life of a patient on in-home IPF therapy and was an informative experience. From the visit, we updated our requirements for the device and application. The main issues we noticed were inconvenience using the...

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Progress Report 2/15

Feb. 15, 2019—Regarding the mechanical device design, we started to print the other parts of our 3D printed design at the Design Studio. However, these were not properly scaled because we did not have a particular oxygen concentrator to work with at that point. Thankfully, this last Thursday we were able to borrow a oxygen concentrator to...

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Progress update 2/1

Feb. 1, 2019—One of our goals for mid-February was to get an oxygen concentrator to build our prototype mechanical device for. In order to reach this goal we have reached out to the administrator at Respiratory Therapy at Vanderbilt and will be communicating with Vanderbilt’s home suppliers to see if they will let us borrow one. However,...

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Progress Report #4

Dec. 8, 2018—During the past week we met with Dr. Lancaster for the final time this semester  and discussed where we are currently at with our project design and our plans. We also received a contact from our other sponsor, Mrs. Mason, with whom we hope to be able to meet with at the beginning of the...

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List of References

Nov. 13, 2018—King TE, Flaherty KR, Hollingsworth H, “Approach to the adult with interstitial lung disease: Clinical Evaluation.” Wolters Kluwer, 2017 King TE, Flaherty KR, Hollingsworth H, “Clinical Manifestations and diagnosis of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis.” Wolters Kluwer, 2018 Tarpy SP, Bartolome CR, “Long-Term Oxygen Therapy.” The New England Journal of Medicine, 1995, 333, 710:714 The Pulmonary Fibrosis Foundation. “About Pulmonary...

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Progress Report #3

Nov. 9, 2018—Since our last report, we have made progress on the application development and design sketch.  Because the app development requires an intense amount of learning before any solutions can be implemented, we have been working on developing the user interface.  This will make the front-end development process simpler as the visual characteristics of the application...

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Progress Report #2

Nov. 7, 2018—Progress Report #2   This past week our group was able to go to Medical Necessities to look at the type of oxygen concentrator we will be working with. Below is a picture we took of the standard in-home oxygen concentrator we saw. From this experience, we now have a more informed opinion about how...

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Progress Report #1

Nov. 2, 2018—I. Project Overview A smartphone android application will be developed in order to change the oxygen liter flow wirelessly based on user input and according to patients’ blood oxygen level saturation which our application will be able to obtain used infrared technology. A mechanical device will be created to physically move the knob in order...

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