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Progress Report #1

Posted by on Friday, November 2, 2018 in Uncategorized.

I. Project Overview

A smartphone android application will be developed in order to change the oxygen liter flow wirelessly based on user input and according to patients’ blood oxygen level saturation which our application will be able to obtain used infrared technology. A mechanical device will be created to physically move the knob in order to change the oxygen liter flow on a standard oxygen in-home oxygen concentrator. The app and the mechanical device will communicate with each other in order to adjust the oxygen liter flow to the patients’ needs.

II. Achievements: Milestones and Deliverables

Our accomplishments so far include gaining knowledge, creating a working connection with our sponsor and clearly defining our project and its needs.  To increase our knowledge about idiopathic fibrosis and long-term oxygen therapy we asked our sponsor, Dr. Lancaster, if she had any information that she could provide.   She then gave us four booklets concerning our project. We spent the next two weeks trading booklets and using them to craft the needs of our potential users. We then used the contact information given by our sponsor to try and visit a medical device distributor.  We were interested in seeing what the outside of an oxygen contractor looked like and the shape of a device that would be required to adjust the oxygen. We received helpful information from a project advisor and are beginning to use this to determine how we will create the app.  This process will be extensive as we have little experience in computer science. While we are taking the time to learn app development, we began defining aspects of the user interface. An example of this can be seen below. After collecting information, we transitioned to determining our specific team roles.  We knew that the app-development would take multiple people, so we assigned two of our engineers, Carla Pax and Gabriel Hoppock to app development. Carla Pax will be focusing on front-end app-development and Gabriel Hoppock will be focusing on back-end app-development. We also began the app development phase. Elliott Grant and Lamya Jaigirdar will be working on the device development.  They will be creating device designs and models. The team will work together to determine how the device and app will communicate and function as a unit.

III. Challenges: issues, risks

The main challenge we have faced is moving past the introductory steps of our project. We are still waiting to go into patients homes in order to have a complete needs assessment. Another challenge. Another challenge is that our group is still in the storming phase in the stages of group development which is inhibiting us from performing at our maximum potential. Finally, even though we are all Biomedical Engineering majors in our classes we don’t get lots of experience in actual medical device innovation until our senior design project and we do not have a huge computer science background, so there is a lot left for us to learn in order to bring this project into fruition.

IV. Project Requirements 

  1. Oxygen Adjustment Device
    1. Adjustable to fit all standard oxygen concentrators
    2. Can be plugged into a nearby power source
    3. Must have backup battery capabilities
  2. Application
    1. Large font text due to an older user population
    2. Easy to navigate and understand
    3. Collect Login Information to enter the application
    4. Store User Information
      1. Device, height, weight, age, gender, disease, lung function, oxygen saturation over time, oxygen concentration used over time.
    5. Store Device Instructions
    6. Store Long-Term Oxygen Treatment Facts
    7. Determine what kind of cellular device user has
    8. Determine what kind of oxygen tank/concentrator user has
    9. Determine the patient’s blood oxygen saturation level (available on newer Samsung cellular models)
    10. Receive patient’s blood oxygen saturation level
    11. Determine new oxygen concentration from blood oxygen saturation level
      1. Based on clinical research data and clinician input
    12. Allow the patient to change oxygen concentration without measuring the blood oxygen saturation level
    13. Allow for user to input journal entries in order to track their oxygen saturation and concentration in relation to the physical activities they are partaking in
    14. Must contain a help option where a user can learn tips on using the application
    15. Can contain a suggested levels document where their user information can be used to suggest oxygen liter concentration dependent on their activity
  3. App – Device Communication
    1. Must be wireless
    2. Must be a continuous stream of communication
    3. Must be secure so as to prevent interference
    4. Must be reliable

V. Timeline



VI. User Interface Design

user interface

VII. Conclusion

Now that we have a clear direction & concrete requirements for our project in addition to assigning team roles, our future step includes finishing up complete device and application design plans.

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