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Progress Report #4

Posted by on Saturday, December 8, 2018 in Uncategorized.

During the past week we met with Dr. Lancaster for the final time this semester  and discussed where we are currently at with our project design and our plans. We also received a contact from our other sponsor, Mrs. Mason, with whom we hope to be able to meet with at the beginning of the spring semester. He is an individual on long-term oxygen treatment that is willing to show us his system set up and give us some firsthand insight on what it is like to be on oxygen so that we can better know how to design our device around those needs.



Thus far, everything has been running smoothly but we are still in the introductory phases of our project. In the Gantt chart that we have created above you can see the general upcoming goals and tasks we have lined up up these upcoming months. We will expand on specifics task required to complete these as thOur current goals before the next semester begins are to continue to learn how to code for our app and to develop a basic materials list for what we will need for our device. We hope that by the beginning of the spring semester, we will sufficiently know how to begin coding for our app and know what materials we need to order to begin constructing our hardware.

Since our last report we have also finalized our needs assessment which is,

L.G..E.C is  seeking a novel way to

  1. Wirelessly control the oxygen liter flow on the oxygen concentration
  2. Noninvasively monitor oxygen needs of IPF patients
  3. Inform the specific patient on what their oxygen liter flow should be based on their oxygen requirements
  4. Provide the user a way to monitor and track their oxygen liter flow

Furthermore, in order to advance on our goals from last time in terms of device design we have created more advanced device design sketches.



These pictures above include a claw with adjustable pinchers to account for various oxygen tank  knob sizes. A motor will be attached to the claw, so that as the motor rotates, the claw will either open or close the knob. The motor and arduino we will use will be placed into the chassis also drawn above. Connected the chassis and claw, will be a set of three adjustable arms that will allow the device to adjust to oxygen tanks of different sizes. At the end of the arms, is another claw that will be used to attach the device onto an oxygen tank. Below is a sketch of one the claws we have designed.




Finally, as the first semester ends one aspect we need to take into consideration that we had not before is the feasibility of our goals in relation to how much time we actually have next semester. We will try our hardest, to meet our needs and requirements, but if this is not possible it will require us to go back and pick and choose certain functions to focus on. However, L.G.E.C is very excited to begin prototyping early next semester.


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