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Previous Patents

That patent search has yielded systems that are more concerned about the oxygen flow itself and how it is being directly delivered to the patient. One such patent is  JP2006325984A, with implanted oxygen sensors for wireless adjustment are based on how well oxygen is flowing inside a patient’s oxygen tubes, rather than the patient’s blood oxygen saturation level in our design.  Another patent, EP20160167328 aims to curtail hypercapnia, a problem that our technology will indirectly address. This patent detects the oxygen content of the patient and using that in order to address the oxygen needs of the patient.  However, this patent states that this is not based upon a closed loop system. While it can sense the change in oxygen, it cannot yet act upon that change to correct the oxygen flow on its own;  human knowledge and input is required in order to accurately regulate the flow of oxygen. These patents provide a good base for how to construct a total system using a rotating knob and ta pulse oximeter. Our technology will create a closed loop system that will adjust the oxygen flow rate based on the oxygen of the patient.

Our technology has the potential to be patentable. The application working in conjunction with a motor and knob could be unique to warrant a patent.
