Progress Update 11/1/18
1) Previous Goals:
We met with our advisor to understand more about the scope of the project, found out more about the Galloway team working on this project as well as get more information on the patient. Through the discussion, we got in contact with the patient and her family.
2) What We Did:
Together with the Galloway team, we met with the patient and her family and provided the patient with an accelerometer attached to a headband. This was done in hopes of gathering data, allowing us to understand the characteristics of the patient’s specific head tremor motion.
3) What We Didn’t Do:
It took too long to get test accelerometer data from the patient. Analysis of preliminary test data is not finished.
4) What We Will Do:
We will contact the patient directly with our own accelerometer and collect/receive data directly from the source so that we do not have to wait for the data to be passed down to us.
5) New Goals:
We are going to analyze the data gathered from the patient. We are also going to test the accelerometer on one of the team members to link behavior to signal pattern and reduce the data acquisition time.
Because we want to have an initial prototype ready to go by the end of this semester, we need to start researching different accelerometer options. We’re going to communicate with our advisor to determine which options are readily available and which will need to be ordered. Some of the important specifications that we’ll be looking for are size, signal clarity, and connectivity.
Also, we need to figure out what category our project falls into in order to finalize our intellectual property agreement. We’re not sure if our project is sponsor-led or advisor-led, which will determine how much of the IP belongs to Vanderbilt University as opposed to us. We will need to follow up with Dr. Walker and Dr. Giorgio to get some answers on that.