Progress Report 12/5/18
Recent progress
- An accelerometer/Arduino pair has been tested on a group member and the data was examined
- The electronics were bare on this trial, group member reported discomfort from pokey wires, so enclosure needed before having the subject test.
- Accelerometer data was found to be not sufficient for tremor detection.
- We determined that an IMU would be superior to an accelerometer for our project needs
- Includes accelerometer, magnetometer, and gyroscope
- Have ordered an IMU, rechargeable battery power source and mini Arduino
- Met with a member of the media relations department at Vanderbilt to discuss our project and how they might publicize it. She is interested in doing coverage of wearable devices.
Next Steps
- Creating and sending an update video to our subject and her family so they have an idea of what our progress has been so far.
- Testing the Milestone Pod in superuser mode (from Dr. Giorgio)
- Acquiring an android phone for testing
- Analyzing the accelerometer data from the Galloway group
- Testing the Adafruit 9-DOF Absolute Orientation IMU Fusion Breakout – BNO055
- Researching power sources and data transmission options
- Creating a prototype with IMU as soon as it arrives
- We were hoping to create a prototype before winter break but the parts haven’t arrived yet so this is unlikely. We will just complete the prototype as soon as possible