Progress Updates Category
Progress Update 4/3/19
Apr. 4, 2019—Data update: SD card with 8 hours of data received back from patient, current software is detecting most tremors but not all RF transmission update: Arduino code for transmitter and receiver written and tested, headband will now be able to communicate with wristband Wristband update: Adafruit GEMMA is being implemented into new wristband to eliminate...
Progress Update 3/27/19
Mar. 27, 2019—
Progess Update 3/20/19
Mar. 27, 2019—Headband update: Headband is fully disconnected from the laptop and is able to continuously record data for at least 8 hours Wristband update: Wristband components are fully soldered together and remote control works to control the vibration at a close range Patient update: Patient has received components and will be testing over the weekend
Progress Update 3/13/19
Mar. 13, 2019—
Progress Update 2/27/19
Feb. 27, 2019—Materials Update: Our SD card reader, lithium ion battery, silicone molding materials, and new RF receiver have arrived. Another order has been placed for a backup battery and additional vibrating motors. Vibrating Wristband Update: We have an updated circuit design which will allow us to construct our remote-controlled vibrating wristband. Headband Update: We are in...
Progress Update 2/20/19
Feb. 27, 2019—
Progress Update 2/13/19
Feb. 17, 2019—Materials update: We ordered materials for silicon molding as well as a rechargeable lithium ion battery and an SD card reader. All materials are expected to arrive before next Wednesday. Patient update: We scheduled a meeting with the subject and her family for 2/16, where we will collect patient data and give a progress update. Vibrating...
Progress Reports from 1/16/19 and 2/6/19
Feb. 12, 2019—
Progress Report 1/30
Jan. 29, 2019—Vibrating Wristband Updates: We have an initial prototype of a vibrating wristband that we’ll be sending to the patient in order to test the alert system. The transmitter and receiver that will allow us to remotely control the wristband are scheduled to arrive by 2/01, so we should have a complete prototype ready to send...
Progress Report 12/5/18
Dec. 5, 2018—Recent progress An accelerometer/Arduino pair has been tested on a group member and the data was examined The electronics were bare on this trial, group member reported discomfort from pokey wires, so enclosure needed before having the subject test. Accelerometer data was found to be not sufficient for tremor detection. We determined that an IMU...