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Update 10/29

Posted by on Monday, October 29, 2018 in News.

Overall goal: Our overall goal is to create a pharmacogneetic (interaction of drugs and the genome) data base. This will be used in the OR (operating room) in order to prescribe the appropriate drug and dosages to the patient post surgery.
1) We wanted to add in some javascript to our code in order to be able to use variables in our text and in order to be able to use if loops (both these are easier in javascript that html). This will essentially be the database portion of our website as it will allow us to output the appropriate dosing outputs (these dosing suggestions are based on professional recommendations and are not our own) for the given drug and gene inputs.
These inputs are 1) the gene, which tells us how fast the drug will be metabolized, and 2) the drug (or drugs) the doctor will prescribe. Both are needed to determine dosing (obviously).
2) We worked on this by finding tutorials about javascript. These tutorials were good for understanding the basics of variables, loops, and so forth, but did not help us integrate it into our code.
3) We are still struggling to make nested if loops and to incorporate all our data into them. Nested if loops are important in order to be able to take genes and drugs into account.
4) Going to work on the loops and place all data in them. This will allow us the give specific suggestions/
5) We next want to out put a table on suggestions. We’ll do this by coding in a data and giving it the outputs of the if loops. We figured a table would make it easier to see and understand dosing suggestions.
Note about dosing: Dosing is based on how fast a patient metabolizes the drug(s) prescribed (fast, normal, slow, or not at all), in some cases an alternative will be suggested instead of a dosage. This site is not intended to be used by the patient and thus should NOT be used as a substitution for doctor’s diagnosis and suggestions, please do not attempt to determine your own dosing as this site currently does NOT take into account 1) allergic reactions and 2) your specific condition.
