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Update 11/7

Posted by on Wednesday, November 7, 2018 in News.

Again, our overall goal is to create a website to aid doctors in prescribing 4 drugs (Wefern, Opiod, Zofran, and Metoprolol.
1) We next wish to create a second webpage for Werfern, this is the only drug not effected by the same gene). This is important as it will allow us to reduce the clutter on our page and allow the doctor to only see what they want. We also want to be able to take in an input for how much dosing the doctor wishes to give.We also want to be able to take in an input for how much dosing the doctor wishes to give.
2)So far we only put the Werfern code on the same code as we still don’t have a real website. The code used is, as of now, simply outputs suggestquestions The dosage was easily down, I simply added a text input and had it output to the table. For now this simply makes the table look more personal. The table is now working much better as I’ve edited the problem parts of the code, so it updates each time.
3) I’m still am trying to get a second page, again this will reduce the clutter. I also am struggling to produce an excel sheet.
4) The excel problem is relatively easy, I will simply add code to export the data. The hard part will be to find a way to add this to a database, especially since we don’t currently have.
5) Next I wish to add password protection. This will likely require a new webpage. I want this to protect patient data for when such data is added. I would also like to to finally add in the given dosage to the table. this will be based on the dosage selected from the pull down menus. This will allow us, when the data is exportable, to see what actual dosages were given and rather recommendations are being followed. Additionally, it will allow us to see dosing history as more data is compiled, which will allow us to see if results improve with more or less of a given drug for a given patient. I may also add alternative either to the pull down menus or as a separate menu. Tis will allow more accurate data tracking as doctors may an alternative for any number of reasons
