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Update 2/6

Posted by on Wednesday, February 6, 2019 in News.

Our project is to make a website to recommend drugs for post operative care for cardiac surgeries. This will be done by using pharmacognetic data to better prescribe these drugs, reducing the amount of time and money wasted on getting the dosing right.

Our previous goals: Implement a separate column for alternative drugs in our table.This was done to make the table easier not he doctors’ eyes, thus making decisions easier.  ThisWe wanted to implement data analytics.  This will be done to track what is actually being prescribed, how it differs from our recommendations, and allow us to see if our method  of care is bette for worse by comparing it to previous

What we did: We updated our table by separating the recommendations and alternative in the code. We did not get to do analytics as Kertai would not get back to us on what exactly he wanted.

Struggles: we struggled to get the table to show up after the update. I am currently working on this.

Future goals: Kertai has shifted the focus of the project to focus more on the prescribing aspect. We will focus on metoprolol. Specifically he wants us to make an order list based on our current dosing recommendations , I am not sure exactly what this means, so we will have to meet with him or wait for more information via email.

We are meeting with another member of the med center tomorrow, so maybe that will give us insight.

Edit: We are meeting with the med centers integration team to discuss future steps. This will allow us to better understand the tasks set before us and to take into account the needs of the system, doctors, and patients while designing a solution. Having an outside source will also allow us to look more objectively at what we are doing and make changes when and where needed.

