
  • Harmonization of white and gray matter features in diffusion microarchitecture for cross sectional studies.– ICCMIA 2018 (Talk)
  • “Constructing statistically unbiased cortical surface templates using feature-space covariance” – SPIE Medical Imaging, 2018 (Talk)
  • “Gray Matter Surface based Spatial Statistics (GS-BSS) in Diffusion Microstructure”. – MICCAI 2017 (Poster)
  • Automated Characterization of Pyelocalyceal Anatomy Using CT Urograms to Aid in Management of Kidney Stones– MICCAI Workshop 2017 (Talk)
  • “Gray Matter Surface based Spatial Statistics in Neuroimaging Studies” – Frontiers in Biomedical Imaging Science VI. (Poster and Powerpitch presentation)
  • Application of Gray Matter Surface Based Spatial Statistics (GB-BSS) in Diffusion Microstructure”. –VUIIS Retreat (Poster and Powerpitch presentation)
  • “Effects of b-value and Number of Gradient Directions on Diffusion MRI Measures Obtained With Q-ball Imaging”. – SPIE Medical imaging 2017 (Talk)
  • Comparison of tumor microstructure derived NODDI and DTI metrics to histopathology in different grades of brain tumor”– ISMRM 2016(Poster)