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Project Overview


  • Videofluoroscopic swallow studies enable providers to identify patient’s difficulties with swallowing in order to reduce risks through interventional surgeries or feeding tube
  • These studies are performed by taking X-rays in real time while patient swallows liquids/foods mixed with barium
  • The studies are often performed on kids with developmental and/or birth defects, but swallowing issues may arise later in adolescence due to late-onset disease or a traumatic brain injury


The current chair in use at Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s Hospital is:

  • Unstable for children with motor deficiencies
  • Incompatible with other medical machinery
  • Not adjustable for patients of different ages and sizes.
Current seating system
Current seating system

Ranking of design features by lab technicians and speech-language pathologist:


Crucial Needs
Stability (of patient and system)
Accommodates variety of ages/sizes
Does not block image
Fits in required dimensions


Design Aspects (Ranked 1-5;

1=low priority)

Denise Gwen  Kristen  Kaitlyn 
Child friendly design 3 3 3 3
Removable tray built-in 1 3 3 3
Trunk braces 3 4 5 3
Head braces 3 4 4 4
Ability to recline 5 5 5 5
Seat belt strap 5 5 5 5
Adjustable height 1 5 4 4


CAD prototype of Easy-PASS Chair, assembled from custom-made parts and parts available from McMaster-Carr.
CAD prototype of Easy-PASS Chair, assembled from custom-made parts and parts available from McMaster-Carr.
CAD model of prototype with dimensions and restrictions of X-ray machine used for swallow studies.
CAD model of prototype with dimensions and restrictions of X-ray machine used for swallow studies.
Full-size prototype with Special Tomato Soft Touch Sitter (designed for special needs children).
Full-size prototype with Special Tomato Soft Touch Sitter (designed for special needs children).


The bulk of manufacturing costs will be from the building the base and the three seats. These parts are expected to come from PVC pipe to make the frame, wheels, a harness, tumble forms, an extra large car seat, and a high chair tray. Several of these items, the tumble form for example, are already specifically designed to be used by children with special needs, thus this positioning system will be incorporating the quality assurance of many products already tested on the same patient group.

PVC pipe: estimated $40.

Wheels that attach to PVC: $10.59 x 4 = $42.36.

Three-point harness: $79.99.

Tumble Form (small and medium): $297.99 + $499.99.

Extra large car seat: $139.99. 

High chair tray: $9.99. 

Total:  $1,110.31


  • Primary functionality designed for imaging procedures
  • Target customers would include imaging centers and Hospitals with pediatric departments
    • 6,146 US Hospitals (1/20 are Children’s)
  • Networking Channels include:
    • Medical Conferences
    • Physician Forums
  • The device costs about $1800 to manufacture
  • The key value added by our product is the customization based on size constraints and physician preferences and thus price may vary 


Shear force and bending moment diagrams for positioning system at its extremes: fully reclined (L) and fully upright (R) while holding a 6 ft, 200 lb male.
Shear force and bending moment diagrams for positioning system at its extremes: fully reclined (L) and fully upright (R) while holding a 6 ft, 200 lb male.

The above diagrams represent the analysis of the positioning system at its extremes (fully reclined and fully upright) while holding a 6 foot, 200 pound male. The hydraulic lift can hold up to 800 pounds and the front supports are rated for over 1,000 pounds, both which far exceed the maximum reactionary forces. Additionally, articulating between the extremes of the chair displaces the 200 lbs. male’s center of gravity by fewer than 10 inches, confirming the chairs ability to remain stable regardless of the patient or position. 


Final IP Agreement


Gantt Chart


Our team has designed, prototyped, virtually constructed, and mathematically confirmed the utility and functionality of the Easy PASS Chair. Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, we are unable to deliver a final physical product and have requested this seating system become a legacy project. In doing so, we: 

  • Created a professional CAD file of the entire seating system
  • Conducted failure analyses on this virtual model using real parts and systems from McMaster Carr
  • Communicated with the VFSS clinicians and confirmed appropriate future directions
  • Drafted clear, detailed instructions for the incoming design team

This project is not possible without support from the VFSS clinicians, Dr. Matthew Walker III, and Dr. Kevin Galloway. Thank you.