NCPI Staff Members Contribute Article to School Administrator

NCPI affiliates Susan Freeman Burns and Catherine Gardner contributed an article entitled, “Reforming Teacher Pay”, to the March 2010 issue of School Administrator. The article focuses upon key ideas that have emerged as school districts implement and evaluate performance pay programs. The authors offer six primary lessons for those engaging in similar educator compensation initiatives.

Performance pay programs should be nested in a district’s larger reform agenda and align with district priorities.

  • Ongoing, effective communication about all aspects of the initiative is imperative.
  • Stakeholders at all levels must be involved.
  • Funding streams must be stable and provide for meaningful awards.
  • Educators should be evaluated using multiple, well-defined performance measures tied to district goals and priorities.
  • Performance pay initiatives must be supported by sophisticated, well-managed and well-maintained data systems.

To read this article, or see other articles from the issue, please click here.