NCPI researchers present year one evaluation report to Texas Education Agency

Mark Ehlert, Jessica Lewis, Omar Lopez, Chris Patterson, Michael Podgursky, Matthew Springer, and Lori Taylor presented findings stemming from the first-year evaluation of the Governor’s Educator Excellence Grant (GEEG) program, one of several statewide performance incentive programs in Texas. Overall findings about GEEG programs seem to abate the traditional critiques raised against performance incentive programs. Specifically, performance incentive programs appear to be having an encouraging impact of schools’ organizational dynamics, teachers’ perceptions of performance incentives, and teachers’ instructional practice. Springer notes, however, “That it is too soon to conclude that these outcomes are attributable to the inception of GEEG. There is still much to be learned about the quality of the schools’ program design and the impact of program characteristics on outcomes of teacher behavior, school culture, teacher workforce trends, and student achievment.”

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