Texas Educator Excellence Grant (TEEG) Program: Year Two Evaluation Report

December 2008

This report presents findings from the second year of a multi-year evaluation of the Texas Educator Excellence Grant (TEEG) program and background information about the design and implementation of the District Awards for Teacher Excellence (DATE) program. The TEEG and DATE programs operating in Texas make up the largest state-funded performance pay system in U.S. public education. Starting in the 2006-07 school year, the TEEG program operates annually in more than 1,000 schools, while 203 districts implemented district-wide performance pay plans using DATE funds in the 2008-09 school year.

Report findings suggest that school and personnel characteristics, schools’ participation patterns in the TEEG program, and design features of schools’ performance pay plans influence program outcomes. The attitudes and behaviors of school personnel and teacher turnover are certainly influenced by these factors. While evidence on any relationship between plan design features and student achievement gains is currently inconclusive, further analysis using additional years of data will continue to examine this matter.

Overall, the TEEG and DATE programs provide unique opportunities to learn about the differential effects performance pay plans have on the attitudes and experiences of school personnel, organizational dynamics within schools, teacher turnover, and student achievement gains.

To view the TEEG Program: Executive Summary for the Year Two Evaluation Report, please click here .
To read a copy of the TEEG Program: Year Two Evaluation Report, please click here .