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Congratulations Sonya Sterba!

Posted by on Wednesday, October 21, 2015 in Uncategorized.

Sonya K. Sterba is named the 2015 recipient of the Cattell Early Career Research Award: The Cattell Early Career Research Award is named for Raymond B. Cattell, a founder of SMEP. This award is an early-career award given annually by the Society to a young researcher who has made outstanding contributions to multivariate experimental psychology and who shows promise of continued work of a very high quality. The recipient need not be a member of SMEP. Criteria for the award are as follows: (1) outstanding contribution to multivariate experimental psychology; (2) age 40 or younger, or 10 years or less post-Ph.D.; (3) a minimum of one publication in a refereed journal. Nominations are solicited annually from members of the Society, and members then vote among the nominees to select a winner. The winner of the Cattell Early Career Research Award is invited to the annual SMEP meeting to present an address and is also given an honorarium.