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Dr Antonia Kaczkurkin receives APS Janet Taylor Spence Award for Transformative Early Career Contributions

Feb. 11, 2022—Congratulations to Dr. Antonia Kaczkurkin to be awarded the prestigious APS Janet Taylor Spence Award for Transformative Early Career Contributions. Dr. Antonia Kaczkurkin is Assist. Prof. in the Department of Psychology, focusing on understanding the neurobiological mechanisms that contribute to the etiology of internalizing disorders. The APS Janet Taylor Spence Award recognizes researchers who have...

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Dr. David Schlundt joins NIH funded team addressing social health disparities

Jan. 13, 2022—Dr. David G. Schlundt, Associate Professor of Psychology, joins a collaborative NIH funded project to address health disparities and advance health equity in Nashville. The project includes TSU, Meharry and the Congregational Health and Education Network devoted to advance social factors in health. Dr. Schlundt’s multidisciplinary team will work with 30 Nashville-area churches to develop...

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Dr. Jon Kass receives Ralph W. Gerard Prize in Neuroscience

Nov. 15, 2021—Dr. Jon Kass, Distinguished Professor of Neuroscience, received the 2021 Ralph W. Gerard Prize in Neuroscience, the highest recognition conferred by the Society for Neuroscience. The Ralph W. Gerard Prize in Neuroscience honors outstanding scientists who have made significant contributions to neuroscience throughout his or her careers. The prize is named for the revered neuroscientist...

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Dr. Gordon Logan receives Earl Sutherland Prize for Achievement in Research

Aug. 27, 2021—Dr. Gordon Logan received the 2021 Earl Sutherland Prize for Achievement in Research. This prestigious recognition is awarded annually at Vanderbilt to a researcher with exceptional achievements in research, scholarship, or creative expression that have garnered significant national and international recognition. The award recognizes particularly research contributions over the past decade. We wholeheartedly congratulate Gordon...

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Dr. Katharine Thakkar named 2021 Rising Star for her research on schizophrenia

Mar. 18, 2021—Dr. Katharine Thakkar is the 2021 Rising Star Awardee, receiving this Research Excellence Award from the Schizophrenia International Research Society (SIRS)! The SIRS Rising Star Award recognizes Katharine as an outstanding early career researcher who has shown exceptional research in the field of schizophrenia. Katharine completed her Ph.D. in clinical psychology in the Department of...

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Dr. Bunmi Olatunji, Gertrude Conaway Vanderbilt Professor of Psychology named interim Dean of the Graduate School

Sep. 14, 2020—Congratulations to Prof. Bunmi Olatunji for assuming a critical leadership role as interim Dean of the Graduate School at Vanderbilt. Dr. Olatunji is Gertrude Conaway Vanderbilt Professor of Psychology with a distinguished academic profile in clinical psychology. Dr. Olatunji will foster the strong focus on Graduate Education at Vanderbilt.

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