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Kate wins 2023 Boyd McCandless Award from American Psychological Association!

Jul. 25, 2022—Kathryn Humphreys has been recognized with the 2023 Boyd McCandless Award by the American Psychological Association’s Division 7 (Developmental Psychology). The award “recognizes a young scientist who has made a distinguished theoretical contribution to developmental psychology, has conducted programmatic research of distinction, or has made a distinguished contribution to the dissemination of developmental science.” so well deserved! Congratulations, Kate!

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Dr. Lubinski receives the AERA Outstanding Reviewer Award

Feb. 20, 2022—David Lubinski earned the Outstanding Reviewer Award for 2021 from the American Educational Research Association (AERA)! David’s service to the field will be recognized by the AERA Journal Publications Committee at AERA’s 2022 Annual Meeting in San Diego. Please join in congratulating David!

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Dr Antonia Kaczkurkin receives APS Janet Taylor Spence Award for Transformative Early Career Contributions

Feb. 11, 2022—Congratulations to Dr. Antonia Kaczkurkin to be awarded the prestigious APS Janet Taylor Spence Award for Transformative Early Career Contributions. Dr. Antonia Kaczkurkin is Assist. Prof. in the Department of Psychology, focusing on understanding the neurobiological mechanisms that contribute to the etiology of internalizing disorders. The APS Janet Taylor Spence Award recognizes researchers who have...

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Dr. David Schlundt joins NIH funded team addressing social health disparities

Jan. 13, 2022—Dr. David G. Schlundt, Associate Professor of Psychology, joins a collaborative NIH funded project to address health disparities and advance health equity in Nashville. The project includes TSU, Meharry and the Congregational Health and Education Network devoted to advance social factors in health. Dr. Schlundt’s multidisciplinary team will work with 30 Nashville-area churches to develop...

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Congratulations Sonya and Jason!

Dec. 18, 2021—Jason Rights (a former graduate student in Quantitative Methods; currently an assistant professor at the University of British Columbia) and  Sonya Sterba won the Tanaka Award for their paper “New Recommendations on the Use of R-squared Differences in Multilevel Model Comparisons” published in Multivariate Behavioral Research!  This award is given annually to the authors of the most outstanding paper...

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Dr. Jon Kass receives Ralph W. Gerard Prize in Neuroscience

Nov. 15, 2021—Dr. Jon Kass, Distinguished Professor of Neuroscience, received the 2021 Ralph W. Gerard Prize in Neuroscience, the highest recognition conferred by the Society for Neuroscience. The Ralph W. Gerard Prize in Neuroscience honors outstanding scientists who have made significant contributions to neuroscience throughout his or her careers. The prize is named for the revered neuroscientist...

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Graduate Student Sam Pegg Receives the Outstanding Student Researcher Award – Congratulations!

Nov. 12, 2021—Samantha Pegg, a doctoral student in the lab of Autumn Kujawa, receives the Outstanding Student Researcher Award from the Society of the Science of Clinical Psychology (SSCP). Her research examines how emotional and social processing contributes to the development of mood disorders, specifically looking at the relationships between reward processing and depression. She recently received...

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Grad. Student Ashli-Ann Douglas receives the Patrice L. Engle Dissertation Grant – Congratulations !

Oct. 28, 2021—Ashli-Ann Douglas, a doctoral candidate in the lab of Bethany Rittle-Johnson, receives Patrice L. Engle Dissertation Grant. The Patrice L. Engle Dissertation Grant provides support for junior students interested in a career in global early child development who are from or doing research in low- or middle-income countries. The Grant includes $5,000 USD to support dissertation research and a...

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Grad. Student Sarah Jessup wins APF/COGDOP Scholarship – Congratulations !

Sep. 9, 2021—Sarah Jessup, Ph.D. student in the laboratory of Bunmi Olatunji, has won a 2021 APF/COGDOP Graduate Student Scholarship for her work on  ‘Benefits of the “Worst-Case Scenario”: A Multi-Level, Clinical Examination of Confronting the Feared Outcome During Exposure Therapy.’    The American Psychological Foundation (APF) provides financial support for innovative research and programs for graduate...

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