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Congratulations Daryl and Rene!

Dec. 6, 2012—Division 3 of APA recently announced young investigator awards given for outstanding articles by young investigators in the Journal of Experimental Psychology (JEP) journals. Daryl Fougnie, a former graduate student in our department who is now a post...

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Congratulations Steve!

Dec. 6, 2012—Steve Hollon won the College of Arts and Science Graduate Teaching Award.

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Congratulations Isabel!

Dec. 6, 2012—Isabel Gauthier won the College of Arts and Science Graduate Mentoring Award.

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Congratulations Suk Won Han!

Nov. 8, 2012—Congratulations! Suk Won Han, who has been selected as a recipient of a 2012 American Psychological Association Dissertation Research Award. This award of $1,000 is to be used to help offset dissertation research costs.

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Congratulations Tom Armstrong!

Nov. 5, 2012—Thomas Armstrong is recipient of a 2012 American Psychological Association Dissertation Research Award.

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Congratulations to Mary Baldwin!

Aug. 21, 2012—Mary Baldwin will receive the 2012 Cortical Scholar prize from the Cajal Club at the SfN meeting in Oct. The award is for an outstanding neuroscientist within 2 years of their PhD that has completed exemplary research on the cerebral cortex.The award i...

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Congratulations Isabel!

Aug. 20, 2012—The Department of Psychology is thrilled to announce that Isabel Gauthier has officially been appointed the David K. Wilson Chair of Psychology. Congratulations, Isabel, on this well-deserved honor.

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Congratulations Bieke David Puncochar!

Jun. 21, 2012—Congratulations to Bieke David Puncochar who was awarded the Award for Excellence from the Child Clinical and Pediatric Psychology Internship in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at the University of Louisville School of Medicine.

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Clinical Psychology Ranked 14th!!!

May. 10, 2012—Vanderbilt University Psychological Sciences clinical program is ranked 14th in the country by US News and World Report. []

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Congratulations Randolph!

May. 1, 2012—Congratulations to Professor Randolph Blake who was elected to the National Academy of Sciences on May 1, 2012.

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