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2012 Psychology Day Awards!

Apr. 26, 2012—Three awards were presented to graduate students in the Department of Psychology during the Psychology Day celebration on Tuesday April 24. First, congratulations to Michael Treadway winner of the Pat Burns Memorial Graduate Student Research Award for ...

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Congratulations Frank, Rene and David !!

Apr. 23, 2012—Congratulations to Frank Tong, Rene Marois and David Zald, all of whom have been promoted to Professors of Psychology.

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Congratulations Graduate Students!!!

Apr. 11, 2012—Great news! The Psychological Sciences Program had tremendous success in the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program this year. Kudos to Michele Cox (Maier Lab), Ayzit Doydum (McCandliss Lab), Emily Fyfe (Rittle-Johnson Lab) and Sonia Poltoratski (Ton...

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Congratulations Sohee Park!

Mar. 30, 2012—Great news. At the spring faculty assembly yesterday Sohee Park was awarded the Alexander Heard Distinguished Service Professor Award for 2012. This award is conferred upon a Vanderbilt faculty member in recognition of their contributions to understand...

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Congratulations Geoff Woodman!

Mar. 16, 2012—Geoff Woodman is the winner of the 2012 Vision Sciences Society (VSS) Young Investigator Award. Geoff is the second member of our faculty to win this prestigious award, which was just initiated in 2007 (Frank Tong was the 2009 winner). Congratulation...

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Congratulations to Paul Dux, winner of the 2012 Randolph Blake Early Career Award!

Feb. 21, 2012—The recipient receives a plaque, a $500 award, and an invitation to give a research colloquium at Vanderbilt. The selection was made by a committee of four faculty (2 from A&S and 2 from Peabody) that did not include the Dept Chairs, the DGS or other m...

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2012 Psychological Sciences Distinguished Alumnus Award goes to Mringanka Sur

Jan. 23, 2012—Mriganka Sur, Newton Professor of Neuroscience and Head of the Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences at MIT, is the 2012 winner of the Distinguished alumnus award. Dr Sur did his Ph.D. work in the laboratory of Jon Kaas, here at Vanderbilt. Mriga...

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Congratulations to Thomas Armstrong

Dec. 16, 2011—Congratulations to Thomas Armstrong for receiving the Distinguished Student Research Award in Clinical Psychology by the Society of Clinical Psychology Division 12 of the American Psychological Association. The Distinguished Student Research Award hono...

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Congratulations to Michael Mack, the 2011 winner of the Jum Nunnally Dissertation Award!

Sep. 27, 2011—The Jum Nunnally Dissertation Award recognizes a recent outstanding doctoral dissertation in the Department of Psychology. Michael Mack's thesis exemplifies excellence, hard work, and intellectual ingenuity, and is very deserving of this award. Jum Nu...

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David Zald awarded a Chancellor’s Research Award

Aug. 26, 2011—David Zald and Bob Kessler from the Department of Radiology were awarded a Chancellor's Research Award today for their pioneering work on the linkage between personality and individual differences in dopaminergic function. This is highly important work...

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