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Stephenie Harrison wins Lisa M. Quesenberry Foundation Award

Jan. 12, 2010—Congratulations to Stephenie Harrison on being the 2010 winner of the Lisa M. Quesenberry Foundation Award for her research project entitled "Orientation specificity and independence in perceptual expertise." The Lisa M. Quesenberry Foundation Award wa...

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Hollon wins APA Div. 12 award

Jan. 3, 2010—Steve Hollon just won the Award for Distinguished Scientific Contributions to Clinical Psychology from the Society of Clinical Psychology (APA Division 12). Congratulations to Steve for this well-deserved recognition for his body of work on cognitive t...

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Olatunji wins APA’s Div. 12 early career award

Dec. 19, 2009—Bunmi Olatunji has just won the David Shakow Early Career Award for Distinguished Contributions to Clinical Psychology from Division 12 of APA. According to their website, this award is "[g]iven for contributions to the science clinical psychology by a...

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Vanderbilt ranked 15th in publications in Psychological Science

Dec. 10, 2009—Vanderbilt is ranked 15th in the world for publications in Psychological Science over the past 10 years. Psychological Science is the flagship journal of the American Psychological Society and is considered one of the premier journals in all of Psychol...

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Paul Dux 2009 Early Career Award winner from the Australian Psychological Society (APS)

Dec. 8, 2009—We are pleased to announce that Dr Paul Dux, lecturer in the School of Psychology at Queensland University in Brisbane, Australia, is the recipient of the 2009 Early Career Award from the Australian Psychological Society (APS). Dr Dux was a post-doctor...

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Robert Levenson 2009-2010 winner of the Psychological Sciences Distinguished Alumnus Award

Nov. 20, 2009—Robert Levenson is the 2009-2010 winner of the Psychological Sciences Distinguished Alumnus Award.Bob received his Ph.D. from the Arts and Science Psychology Department in 1974. Since leaving Vanderbilt, he has held academic positions at Indiana Univer...

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Alumnus Tim Vickery wins 2009 Best Article Award from the Psychonomic Society

Nov. 20, 2009—Congratulations to Tim Vickery for winning a 2009 Best Article Award from the Psychonomic Society. His article with Yuhong Jiang entitled "Associative grouping: Perceptual grouping of shapes by association" appeared in the journal Attention, Perception...

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Gauthier featured on NewsChannel 5

Nov. 16, 2009—Dr. Gauthier's method of soliciting questions from her class and using the "clicker" to obtain students' responses in real time was featured on a report on NewsChannel 5's Nov. 11 nightly news broadcast.

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Kaas to discuss “The Human Spark” Nov. 19 at Adventure Science Center

Nov. 16, 2009—From the Adventure Science Center:In anticipation of a new three-part series airing on NPT in January 2010, the Adventure Science Center is tackling the issue of what is it that makes us "human." On November 19, Jon Kaas will explore such aspects of th...

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Armstrong wins ABCT Student Research Award

Oct. 12, 2009—Tom Armstrong has been selected as one of three winners of the 2009 ABCT Elsie Ramos Memorial Student Research Award for his poster entitled "Selective Attention in Contamination-Based OCD: Eye Tracking of Affective Content and Time Course." He will ...

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