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Olatunji wins Early Career Award

Aug. 12, 2008—In recognition of his outstanding research in the area of anxiety disorders, Bunmi Olatunji is the 2008 recipient of the Early Career Award from the Anxiety Special Interest Group of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapy. Way to go, Bunmi!

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Richard McCarty named provost at Vanderbilt

May. 6, 2008—Richard McCarty, a distinguished psychologist who has led the largest school at Vanderbilt University for the past seven years, will be presented to the Vanderbilt Board of Trust next week for confirmation as the university's chief academic officer.

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Jejoong Kim awarded Dissertation Enhancement Grant

Nov. 26, 2007—The Dissertation Enhancement Review Committee has awarded Jejoong Kim a DEG in the amount of $2,000 for dissertation research. Congratulations!

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Peiyan Wong receives Dissertation Enhancement Grant

Nov. 26, 2007—The Dissertation Enhancement Review Committee has awarded Peiyan Wong a DEG in the amount of $2,000 for dissertation research. Congratulations!

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Josh Buckholtz wins first-ever graduate research prize

Aug. 14, 2007—Josh Buckholtz, a Neuroscience graduate student, has just been awarded the first-ever graduate student prize for outstanding research in Neuroeconomics by the Claremont Graduate University's Center for Neuroeconomic Studies. Josh was awarded the prize ...

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